| Young Investigator Network


Young Investigator Network


Eligible for YIN membership are independent Junior Research Group Leaders, Junior/Tenure Track Professors, or habilitation candidates at the Bahrenfeld campus (DESY (incl. DESY Zeuthen), UHH, MPI, CUI...), or the Excellence Cluster Quantum Universe (QU).

YIN members must
a) have obtained their research group as principal investigator in a formal selection procedure and carry personnel responsibility for at least one TV-L 13 position or equivalent. This position or their own needs to be financed from their own budget,
b) must be formally eligible to supervise and examinate PhD candidates.

Examples are:
Junior Professores
Tenure Track Professors
ERC Starting Independent Research Grant Awardees
Holders of a Sofja Kovalevskaja-Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Emmy Noether Junior Research Group Leaders
BMBF Junior Research Group Leaders
Helmholtz Young Investigator Group Leaders
Group Leaders in the Helmholtz Excellence Program for Postdocs
Leader of (Shared) Research Groups (RG, SRG)

Please fill out our Application form (TXT, 1KB) to apply and send it to yin-office@desy.de. YIN members will vote on the application at their next meeting (usually once per month).

